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Forgotten Futures: Romani Children in State Care in Bulgaria

Research report

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Roma in Bulgaria are among the most marginalised and impoverished communities in Europe, with Romani children being particularly vulnerable. In fact, Roma constitute the only ethnic group where the proportion of individuals living in poverty is double that of those who are not poor; a stark contrast to the broader population. The rates of poverty, malnutrition, and social exclusion among Romani children show shockingly high disparities compared to their ethnic Bulgarian counterparts. As a result, huge numbers of Romani children are classified as ‘at risk,’ leading to disproportionately high numbers of them entering state care.

This in-depth review of the current situation of Romani children in state care institutions in Bulgaria was conducted by Equal Opportunities Initiative Association in partnership with the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC). It aims to prompt and prod the institutions to adopt the necessary reforms and amend current practices to ensure a rights-compliant approach to Romani children who, like all children, have a right to protection, care, and to “grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.